Throughout the year, RV camping extravaganzas are held in various places across the country. In the coming days shows will be held in Springfield, Massachusetts and in Charlotte, North Carolina as well as in a host of other cities. Keep an eye out for when these events come to a location near you, so you…

Much of the country remains in the icy grip of winter, but spring will be making its welcome arrival soon. Just as you winterized your motorhome to protect your investment, you also need to de-winterize it once the frigid temperatures are past. Beckley’s Camping Center provides some tips and guidelines to keep in mind. Remove…

Encountering a bear while camping can present a very real danger. Jordan Bonte of Liberty Voice provides these tips that could save your life. What to Do if You See a Bear Stay calm. Either stand your ground or slowly back off in a diagonal manner. It’s important to remember not to run because this…

An unheated metal camper can get bone-chillingly cold in winter. Weather forecasts can occasionally be wrong, which can put campers in much colder temperatures that they expected. Pete Zimowsky of the Fresno Bee offers some tips for staying warm. If you plan to use your furnace, check to see that your propane tank is filled…

Destinations in Florida, Texas and other points south beckon snowbirds every winter, as the balmy climate permits an escape from snow, ice and frigid temperatures. Many of these visitors from the north choose to make their home away from home in an RV park. When they lodge at campgrounds, snowbirds find that the stay offers…

America’s national parks, encompassing more than 84 million acres of scenery that encompass majestic mountains, sparkling waters and pristine forests, showcase the incredible diverse beauty of the country. If you haven’t visited Pinnacles, the newest national park, you are in for a treat, as it has much to offer. Tucked away south of San Francisco,…

The Recreation Vehicle Industry Association reports that 35 million people in the U.S. engage in RV camping. Perhaps some of the advantages that attract devotees to this activity are the affordability and freedom as well as flexibility and wide-ranging options involved. Being able to come and go as you please is a big plus. Snowbirds…

At this time of year, Campbellsville, KY, a location of one of the Amazon distribution centers, is flooded with RVers, as they come in droves to help the largest online retailer fill holiday orders. Called “Camperforce” by Amazon, this group of hundreds of campers keeps orders flowing at Christmastime through packing, sorting and collecting products.…

Have you ever thought of making a camping trip the center of your Christmas celebrations? This may not be feasible in some parts of the country, but in the southern tier of states, it could be rewarding. Camping in general tends to foster closer family relationships, since it strips away many of the modern-day distractions…

Forget about the hot dogs and s’mores. They are great, but if you camp often, you may not want a steady diet of these favorites. With a little creativity and preplanning, you can whip up a savory meal over a campfire that will taste just as good as one that is cooked at home. The…