Winter camping can present more challenges and require more preparation than camping during other seasons; however, the beauty and peace of a snowy wonderland can make it worth the extra effort needed. As more potential hazards are inherent in it, campers should be as safety conscious as possible.

  • Absolutely don’t go alone. Get several buddies together, ensuring some have expertise in winter skills.
  • Monitor the weather forecast as well as road and trail conditions.
  • Stay connected. Since cell phone coverage may be absent in remote locations, two-way radios can enable communication between members of your group.
  • Increase your caloric intake, eating as much as you can. Camping in cold weather causes your body to burn up much more calories than camping in mild or warm weather.  Also, calories will help keep you warm.
  • Stay hydrated, drinking several liters of water per day.
  • Dress in synthetic layers because they will dry more quickly. Avoid cotton.

Prepare. Prepare. Prepare. Camping trips into snowy areas require cold weather knowledge in addition to special gear and special clothing. Winter skills are essential to cope with all kinds of contingencies that may be encountered.  A group of novices should never attempt it.

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