Many people don’t realize that prolonged tiredness and several maladies like a headache or nausea after a camping trip may have been caused by spoiled food or other camping hazards. Officials warn those making outdoor trips to take proper precautions to avoid acquiring food-borne illnesses or falling victim to dangers associated with these endeavors.
Store food in containers designed specifically for this use. Avoid storing hot or warm foods in plastic bags or containers meant for storing cold ones. The warmth can cause chemicals to leach out of the plastic into the food.
Resist the temptation to eat berries or other plants in your camping area because they could be poisonous. Another precaution is to avoid cooking inside tents, as this practice could start a fire or lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
In addition, store easily perishable food like meat and eggs in an icebox. Store meat separately from fruits and vegetables and cooked foods separately from uncooked. Don’t use the same utensils for cooked and raw meat, and wash your hands before and after handling food. These measures can avoid the spread of bacteria from raw meat to other foods.
Avoid drinking water from a lake or stream even though it may appear clear. You never know what animal could have died and fallen into the water.
Visit our Access Camping website frequently for camping tips.