via huntclubfarm.comRegardless of your age, a friendly animal can put a smile on your face and in your heart. Something about interacting with furry creatures is uniquely therapeutic. Hunt Club Farm has a petting area that is home to dozens of cute cri…
via shamrockmarathon.comAnyone who enjoys walking or jogging will have a great time at the Shamrock Marathon Weekend on March 20 and 21. The event will include a fitness expo, as well as races that are appropriate for all skill levels and ages. The rac…
via Daily PressWhen you think of ballet, attributes that come to mind are grace and beauty but not hilarity. That will change if you attend the Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo on February 29, when an all-male troupe clad in tutus will present com…
via visitvirginiabeach.comFebruary weather in Virginia Beach can be comfortable for hiking, and the settings afford scenic views of the wintry landscape. A favorite destination for a hike is First Landing State Park, where you can admire the beauty of …