rv-propane-safetySometimes you hear chilling reports in the news of a propane explosion that destroys a motorhome. In light of the danger, it’s important to take certain safety precautions. Never use a propane stove or oven to heat your motorhome because tragically, this practice causes fatalities every year. Make sure your fire extinguishers are fully charged and that you know how to use them in case of an emergency.

In addition to these tips, the Recreational Vehicle Safety and Education Foundation and About.com Camping provide the guidelines below:

  • Have a certified technician perform a timed pressure drop test every year.
  • Periodically check containers and line connections to ensure they are tight.
  • Propane-burning appliances should be cleaned and serviced once each camping season.
  • Check propane tank fittings and connections to see if they are secure.
  • Position the containers in such a way that the open part of the container guard faces the trailer. This measure protects it from flying rocks and debris.
  • Check the propane detector every month. Note the “replace by” date as well.
  • Turn off your propane tanks before traveling.



