solid-ground-shelters2We’ve heard of hotels that offer glamping, a glamorous version of the camping experience, in their rooms or on their property. Now, an enterprising company in Virginia, Solid Ground Shelters, brings the camping experience to customers at the destination of their choice – in comfort and style, reports The Daily Progress.

The concept involves setting up a tent with all the necessities as well as some comforts and conveniences at the location you designate. Whether you want to camp in your backyard, in a traditional campground or at a music festival, they take care of all the work. Cofounder Jason Johnson says the concept is already fairly popular in Europe, so they are introducing it to the U.S. market.

This “outside hotel” involves setting up a tent equipped with a real mattress and nice bed linens along with a table and chairs. II also includes frills like fresh flowers and fixings for s’mores. The idea is to enable people to enjoy the great outdoors without any hassles. It isn’t for everyone, but there is a segment of the camping populace who would find it very appealing.
